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Wednesday, March 7, 2012 04:21 PM
Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!
 by Fëanor

This web application I have to use at work logs me out if I don't use it for a while, but to make things more fun, it does it kind of subtly, in the background. So I'll try to go and use it thinking I'm still logged in, and it'll break. But it doesn't just break - it pops up three different error dialogs in a row, just in case I might have not understood that it's broken.

This reminds me of Office Space:

Peter Gibbons: And here's something else, Bob: I have eight different bosses right now.
Bob Slydell: I beg your pardon?
Peter Gibbons: Eight bosses.
Bob Slydell: Eight?
Peter Gibbons: Eight, Bob. So that means that when I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it.
Tagged (?): Comedy (Not), Computers (Not), Internet (Not), Movies (Not)
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Friday, November 4, 2011 03:40 PM
Online Toy for Your Kids
 by Fëanor

Hey, remember that thing I made, Buttons? It makes a random sound and displays a random image every time you press a key or click a button. I finished an update of it today. Have at it and let me know what you think. Thanks!
Tagged (?): Internet (Not), Meta (Not), Parenthood (Not), Parenting (Not), Toys (Not)
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Thursday, September 8, 2011 02:28 PM
 by Fëanor

Fëanor pours the entire internet into the Recyclotron, and only the best links come out the other end for you to enjoy.

Tagged (?): Advertising (Not), Art (Not), Cartoons (Not), Celebrities (Not), Craft (Not), Crime (Not), Diablo 3 (Not), Internet (Not), Links (Not), Movies (Not), Music (Not), News (Not), Products (Not), Recyclotron (Not), Thor (Not), Tolkien (Not), Video (Not), Video games (Not), Zelda (Not)
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Thursday, June 30, 2011 12:17 PM
(Last updated on Friday, July 1, 2011 02:15 PM)
 by Fëanor

Fëanor pours the entire internet into the Recyclotron, and only the best links come out the other end for you to enjoy.

Tagged (?): Art (Not), Books (Not), Captain America (Not), Cartoons (Not), Comedy (Not), Comic books (Not), Food (Not), Google (Not), Internet (Not), Links (Not), Masters of the Universe (Not), Monsters (Not), Movies (Not), News (Not), Phineas and Ferb (Not), Recyclotron (Not), Transformers (Not), TV (Not), Twitter (Not), Video games (Not), Web comics (Not), World of Warcraft (Not)
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Thursday, April 28, 2011 01:25 PM
 by Fëanor

Fëanor pours the entire internet into the Recyclotron, and only the best links come out the other end for you to enjoy.

Tagged (?): Animals (Not), Art (Not), Avengers (Not), Books (Not), Celebrities (Not), Comedy (Not), Comic books (Not), Harry Potter (Not), Hulk (Not), Internet (Not), Links (Not), Lists (Not), Mario (Not), Mashups (Not), Movies (Not), News (Not), Photography (Not), Products (Not), Recyclotron (Not), Religion (Not), Science (Not), Song of Ice and Fire (Not), Star Trek (Not), Star Wars (Not), Technology (Not), TV (Not), Video (Not), Video games (Not), Wonderland (Not)
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011 02:32 PM
 by Fëanor

Fëanor pours the entire internet into the Recyclotron, and only the best links come out the other end for you to enjoy.

Tagged (?): Art (Not), Boardgames (Not), Books (Not), Captain America (Not), Cartoons (Not), Comedy (Not), Comic books (Not), Craft (Not), Dinosaurs (Not), Food (Not), Game of Thrones (Not), Gaming (Not), George R.R. Martin (Not), Indiana Jones (Not), Internet (Not), LEGO (Not), Links (Not), Lists (Not), Mortal Kombat (Not), Movies (Not), News (Not), Photography (Not), Recyclotron (Not), Robots (Not), Song of Ice and Fire (Not), Star Wars (Not), Toys (Not), Tron (Not), TV (Not), Video (Not), Video games (Not), Warren Ellis (Not)
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011 12:44 PM
 by Fëanor

Fëanor pours the entire internet into the Recyclotron, and only the best links come out the other end for you to enjoy.

Tagged (?): Animals (Not), Art (Not), Batman (Not), Books (Not), Comedy (Not), Comic books (Not), Craft (Not), Dogs (Not), Dune (Not), Facebook (Not), Food (Not), Internet (Not), Links (Not), Movies (Not), Muppets (Not), News (Not), Photography (Not), Recyclotron (Not), Science (Not), Star Wars (Not), Technology (Not), Tolkien (Not), Toys (Not), Tron (Not), Tron Legacy (Not), Video (Not), Web comics (Not), X-Men (Not)
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Monday, January 17, 2011 02:42 PM
 by Fëanor

Since I've got Twitter buttons all over, I thought it only fair I stick Facebook buttons all over, too. So I've added the Facebook "Like" button to all individual blog entries, as well as to They're Cops. I've also updated the blog's main page so you can Like or Tweet individual entries directly from there, or Like or Tweet the main page itself. And besides all that, I also made a handful of other little tweaks and improvements I won't bother describing in detail. Huzzah!
Tagged (?): Facebook (Not), Internet (Not), Meta (Not), Twitter (Not)
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Friday, January 14, 2011 03:41 PM
Better Tweeting of Cops Now Available
 by Fëanor

Mike V. was good enough to do extensive testing of the Twitter feature I added to my random cop movie premise generator, and pointed out some flaws. Well, I've finally gotten around to addressing them! All tweets generated by the app will now be automatically cut down to 140 characters or fewer (which only makes sense), and, even better, the link provided in the tweet will now take you to a version of the "They're Cops" page with the field at the bottom pre-populated with the particular "They're Cops" phrase that you found so amusing. So no one will have to guess at what it was that you found so funny. Yay!

Interestingly enough (well, interesting if you are technically inclined at all - non-developer nerds may want to step away now), in order to make this work I actually had to change the URLs on my website. I'd been using a vertical pipe in various URLs as a divider, but it turns out the Twitter API really hates vertical pipes. It was accepting the encoded version of the character the first time through, but then for some reason it was double-encoding it the next time through and posting an unusable URL. I probably could have kept banging my head against it until I got it to work, but instead I decided to take the easier way out and just replaced vertical pipes with commas in my URLs. The old vertical pipe-using URLs will redirect to the new comma-using URLs, in what I hope is a seamless change.
Tagged (?): Internet (Not), Meta (Not), Twitter (Not)
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011 10:22 AM
 by Fëanor

Fëanor pours the entire internet into the Recyclotron, and only the best links come out the other end for you to enjoy.

Tagged (?): Art (Not), Caprica (Not), Clothing (Not), Comedy (Not), Comic books (Not), Craft (Not), Food (Not), Harry Potter (Not), Internet (Not), Links (Not), Lists (Not), Mashups (Not), Movies (Not), Music (Not), Photography (Not), Recyclotron (Not), Science (Not), Shirts (Not), Star Trek (Not), Star Wars (Not), Street Fighter (Not), Tolkien (Not), Toys (Not), Tron (Not), TV (Not), Video (Not), Video games (Not)
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