Friday, December 21, 2007 08:43 AM
 by Fëanor

I'm putting this story in this morning's news post on Phillyist. The gist is that the EPA is actually blocking states from imposing their own, stricter emissions limits on new automobiles. Bush is the one ultimately behind the EPA's ruling, and I'm sure he has some bullshit, carefully spun reason why he says he's doing it, but I'm also sure that the real reason is because stricter limits would be hard on the automobile manufacturers, and those manufacturers have a strong lobby.

The more I think about this story, the more furious I become. I firmly believe that America could have global warming and all of our other energy and environmental problems solved at this point if we had simply banded together and put all our resources and intelligence to bear on the problem. The last time we did that, we got to the moon in a little metal bucket run by computers not even as powerful as the one I'm writing this on right now. We can fix this. The power is in our hands. We're just not doing it, because a bunch of short-sighted idiots want to make as much money as possible before the world starts burning up.

And now some state governments have come along and actually tried to take a positive, if small, step along the road to solving things, and the US government has actually stopped them. That is the stupidest, most infuritating thing I've ever heard.
Tagged (?): Environment (Not), News (Not), Phillyist (Not), Politics (Not)

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